didn't mean to quote Staind, but yeah, it's been a while since I wrote something here...
I've been trying to find more time to write stuff for games, but hey, life happens, got pretty sick, moved across the world, got better,...
So let's see, I am trying to finish a game for XNA these days, a simple game using a physics engine, I'll aim for both PC & XBox360 but we'll see if I can finish it, with all that is going on.
Regarding music, I've been enjoying video games lately in 5.1, it really gives you another dimension... it's funny how some games' music get your attention... like Fancy Pants, really cool stuff going there...
Even silly stuff like IloMilo makes me wonder how complicated it would be to create something like that....
I'll see if I can post more often and specially whatever I try to accomplish in Video games and music/sound.
Take care.